As you may have noticed, there is now a word verification feature in place when you leave comments on the blog. This is because I have begun to be hit by spam. So far it's just from two idiots, but one is being persistent, and I can't be bothered to keep deleting his/her comments. Interestingly enough, I was going through several other blogs via links from elsewhere and discovered that this twit has been spamming left, right, and centre. He or she keeps posting under different usernames, but it's the same person, with a link to the same blog, each time. Of course, comments can't be left on that particular blog - gee, I guess the twit doesn't want to get spammed or something... *rolling eyes*
Anyhow, if you get a response on your blog, telling you that your blog is "inquisitive" and saying they're a park ranger, asking you to check their blog out - it's spam, kids.
Good news though - the wee baby is doing well. Still on the critical list, and will be for some time yet, but he's holding his own, gaining weight, is off the ventilators, and off the meds. So yay for him! We are still asking that prayers keep rolling in - this kid has a ton of people praying for him, from all over the world. I will post some pictures of him in the next day or two.
Not much else for news - I have the flu at the moment, so my brain isn't into thinking too much! So I shall toddle off for now - I just wanted to give an update on the baby, and let you know why the word verification feature is up for comments. Have a good night, everyone!
Anyhow, if you get a response on your blog, telling you that your blog is "inquisitive" and saying they're a park ranger, asking you to check their blog out - it's spam, kids.
Good news though - the wee baby is doing well. Still on the critical list, and will be for some time yet, but he's holding his own, gaining weight, is off the ventilators, and off the meds. So yay for him! We are still asking that prayers keep rolling in - this kid has a ton of people praying for him, from all over the world. I will post some pictures of him in the next day or two.
Not much else for news - I have the flu at the moment, so my brain isn't into thinking too much! So I shall toddle off for now - I just wanted to give an update on the baby, and let you know why the word verification feature is up for comments. Have a good night, everyone!
I guess it was just a matter of time....most bloggers who use blogger comments have this feature in place now. Damn spammers anyway! Grrr.....
Aw hell when I saw you outside with your camera yesterday I was hoping there'd be some pictures up today! Oh well, maybe next time? hee hee
That little baby is such a miracle, and he's MEANT to live! I'll bet big things will be coming from him through his life!
Hope you start feeling better soon sis. I'm just starting to feel a TEENY bit better today! Love ya!
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