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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thank the Gods and Goddesses

Here it is, just after midnight. I should have been in bed awhile ago, but this has turned out to be a really good evening, and I guess I just don't want it to end. So I figured before I hit the hay I'll do a quick blog entry. Well, I intend it to be quick, but I know how I get when I go off on tangents in these things, so we'll see how long it gets!

I've added a couple more links to my favourite general websites. Ted's Caving Page is a very well done and intriguing site. Basically the tale of a caver who's discovered a new cave within a cave - very creepy, and well-written. It really got a lot of people going, as they weren't sure if it was a real story. As it turns out, it's not real, but there are still people who think it is. I definitely recommend this one, but be prepared to spend a lot of time in there - it's quite lengthy.

Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About is one of my all-time favourite sites. In fact, I was going to post a blog entry last night, just to add this link, but then I ended up reading the damned thing over again! It's another one I recommend, and I'm fairly certain that it will appeal to the sense of humour of those who usually comment here. I find it absolutely hilarious - one of the few sites that actually make me laugh out loud while I'm reading. The neighbours probably think I'm nuts, but who cares?

Now, on to the thanking of the Gods and Goddesses part. I did a ritual and some spellwork awhile back, and part of the spellwork involved asking for help in getting some bills paid, and getting my finances in better order. I've been stressed about finances for several years now, and it seems every time I start to get ahead, I get shoved back again. I've been doing some praying and some small bits of spellwork on this since the ritual, but nothing major. I'd actually forgotten that I'd included that in my ritual spellwork. However, I was reminded of it tonight.

I was paying bills, which always stresses me out to no end, when I realized that I actually had enough money to completely pay off one of the bills that I make monthly payments on. Now, it wasn't a large balance, however, I did not expect to pay it off this soon. I double-checked to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything, and then put the payment through. It was such a wonderful feeling, although I admit that I also felt weird. When I'm used to making monthly payments on something, it takes awhile to sink in that I don't have to worry about it anymore. I was kind of looking over my shoulder waiting for something to bite me in the ass, but so far my ass is intact, so I think all is well!

I had forgotten about the spell (which is actually a good way of strengthening a spell - to just put it out of mind once it's been done), and hadn't been consciously doing anything differently regarding finances, but I was able to keep enough money left over from the last paycheque to pay off one bill, and also to put a tiny bit more on a couple of other ones. Another example of how well spells can work.

Another weird thing is that my mind started jumping in the mix. "So what? So you paid it off. Look how much more you have to still pay on other things." I firmly told my mind to "shut the hell up. I paid it off, damnit, and it's out of my hair, thank you very much." My mind keeps trying to pipe up again, but I give it a very stern look (you know the look, Judy - Dad's "look" - ) and it shuts up.

Anyhow, not major news to most people, but great news for me, and I've had quite a nice evening since then. It's also helped that it's cooled down out there! It clouded over late this afternoon, and a nice strong wind picked up. By 8:00 pm I was able to open the windows, as it was very cloudy, VERY windy, and was sprinkling. It rained quite a bit through the evening, and my place cooled down enough that I could actually turn the damned fans off. Yes, I said "damned fans". I love fans, as they do help, however, they've been running constantly in here for several days, and they give me a nasty sore throat, nose, and sinuses.

So the coolness really made me happy, and paying off that bill was an added bonus. Of couse I was a bit concerned that too many good things were happening to me in one day, but then I decided that I'd just take it and enjoy it, since lightning hadn't come through the ceiling to strike me down yet. (Knock on wood...)

I was going to post a couple of pictures for you tonight, but that function isn't working at the moment. So I shall sign off, say my thanks to the Gods and Goddesses, and any in Spirit who helped me to come to this wonderful moment of having one bill out of my hair, and I shall wish everyone a good night, and pleasant dreams!


Blogger Jude said...

Ahhh that must be a great feeling to get a bill paid off! Doesn't matter how small or how large, it's just *gone* and that's a blessing!

You're worried about the neighbours thinking you're weird?? What about your family upstairs here? LOL LOL

Having faith in prayer or spellwork is the key I think. Because if we have faith, we let it go after we've done our part. And THAT means that we then get the hell out of the way and let the Universe do it's thing to help us! You obviously did that and I'm proud of you sis... and happy for you that it is working. ((hugs))

Can we say, "I LOVE RAIN"?? Yeehaw!! Loving the rain and cooler temps for sure!

July 27, 2006 11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good going, Sis!! I know the feeling all too well about money pressure!! One bill paid is one less to worry about, that's for sure!!
Take care and have a great day! Love you lots!!

July 27, 2006 2:12 PM  
Blogger Fullmoondolphin said...

Thanks, ladies! Yes, it is a nice feeling to have one gone.

Judy, the family upstairs are far weirder than I could ever be, so I could care less what they think...


The rain was great, although it was still too hot today. A nice wind though, which helped. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so fingers crossed it will - all night too!

Love you both!

July 27, 2006 5:26 PM  
Blogger Jude said...

Hmmm that weird family you live under is probably just over heated. Perhaps if you bought them central Air Conditioning they would be better?? ;-)

July 28, 2006 7:46 PM  

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