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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Don't Faint!

Okay, don't faint or anything, but I'm back! Things have been crazy at work for the last several months, so I haven't had the energy to get to the old blog for awhile. I'll try to do more entries from now on, but we'll see how that goes. At any rate, I'm back for the moment, and I have pictures! What a surprise, huh?

The lunar eclipse was lovely the other night, and I got some very nice pictures. I didn't get quite as many as I would have liked, because I hit a wrong button in the dark and screwed up all my settings, so I had to reset the camera. At least I managed to get a few shots before I made that wonderful mistake, so here are a few of them:

I had to fiddle with settings to get the last picture, and finally found one that worked - the fireworks setting! It's going to take awhile to get my settings back to normal, but thankfully I was able to get something that worked for the last shot.

I've had a very nasty cold/flu all week, so I was kind of laughing at myself that night. I was standing out on the sidewalk in my nightgown and winter coat, and I was thinking that probably wasn't the brightest thing to be doing while I was sick. But I think the fresh air actually did some good, and I had fun getting the pictures, so it was worth it. I'm starting to feel a bit more human today, although the damned cold is still hanging in there quite tenaciously. Hopefully it's on its way out.

I have some other pictures to post - once again taken in nightgown and winter coat! I will post them in a separate entry, so I'll close this one and get to work on the next batch of pictures!


Blogger Brooke said...

LOVE these shots! Especially since I wasn't able to see any of it due to it raining here that night...

Very, very beautiful!!!!

February 23, 2008 9:42 PM  
Blogger Fullmoondolphin said...

Thanks! It's really too bad you weren't able to see it. Mind you, I didn't stand out there and watch the whole thing - it was a bit too frosty for that!

February 23, 2008 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very, very nice, Sister Pam!!! And it's about time we all heard from you once again!! I really love the shot through the trees. It's beautiful! Hope you are getting rid of the nasty cold. Take care and keep posting!!
Lots of Love - Linda - xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

February 25, 2008 8:54 AM  

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