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Friday, September 01, 2006


Woo-hoo! I am officially on vacation! It feels kind of weird, as it's been awhile since I've had time off - other than being so sick earlier in the year, but I'm talking enjoyable time off.

I worked late last night and got everything all caught up, so all I'll have to go back to is whatever mess people at work leave for me. So that felt good. A friend was visiting my sister, and they invited me to join them, so I had a nice visit after I finally got home. Not to mention a yummy dinner that they provided. Very nice way to start my vacation!

I got up this morning and debated how to spend my day. I knew I had to go out at one point to get my brother-in-law's birthday present, as well as pick up a card for him. But I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with the rest of my day. I was thinking of doing some more cleaning, but then I decided that since it was the first day of vacation, I was going to simply be lazy and do sweet tweet.

Once that decision was made, I decided to treat myself on my first morning off. I made a lovely pot of perked coffee, then made pancakes and eggs for breakfast, with a glass of orange juice on the side. Then I fiddled around on the computer for awhile, and had a brief chat online with a couple of friends. I was debating what I might want to do next when my eyes decided it was time to slam shut, so I ended up whiling away the afternoon with a nice long nap. Ahhhhh, vacations are good!

So now I've been to the store and am spending a nice, quiet evening at home. I have some spooky shows to watch tonight - Most Haunted, Rescue Mediums, Psychic Detectives, Ghostly Encounters - but since most of them are re-runs I will likely spend most of the evening in front of the computer and doing a bit of reading. As well as plotting what I want to do on the rest of my vacation!

My sister and I are planning on visiting a huge cemetery in the city. It's actually two cemeteries, one on either side of the road. They are both very large, and quite old, so I'm thinking there should be some lovely old tombstones and hopefully a few interesting energies. I drive by, or rather, between, these cemeteries every day on may way to work, and I just love them.

There are a couple of stores I want to get to. One is my favourite witch store. I was there a couple of weeks ago, but they had run out of the stuff I'd gone to purchase, so I have to go back for it. There is a metaphysical store not far from there that I used to love - they actually used to be in the quarters that the witch store is in now. Since they moved, I'm not as fond of going there - the staff are all part-timers, and aren't all very knowledgeable. Plus, the energies in the store just aren't the same - it seems to be more about making money now, and less about the products and the spirituality. Still, I do like checking out the new stuff - I've gotten some lovely items from that store. So I'd like to go there and peek around, then head to the witch store for my stuff, and for a dose of wonderful energy.

I wouldn't mind doing a run to Wal-Mart, as the Hallowe'en decorations should be coming out by now. It's always fun to browse through them, and I usually find something that's reasonably priced to add to my collection.

There are several other things I'd like to do too, but I only have a week, and I also want to get some good lazing-around time in! So I'll just play things by ear, and see what develops. Speaking of developing, that brings to mind a few pictures I took this morning!

The Girls!



I found another web this morning when I took the girls out, and just had to try and get pictures of it. It was very close to where the other web I'd posted had been, but this one was in an even more awkward position. I'm wondering if it's the same spider, since it is so close to the old web. I don't like this picture as much as the previous one, but I still thought it turned out well enough to post!

Charlotte's New Web

I think that's about it for me tonight! Have a good night, everyone, and a wonderful weekend!


Blogger Jude said...

YeeHaw! Gotta love vacations!! :-)

Nice pics, especially of the angel girls... have a good sleep!

September 02, 2006 12:24 AM  
Blogger Fullmoondolphin said...

Thanks, I did! I hope you did too!

September 02, 2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Brooke said...

Happy Vacation, FMD!!!!!!! You deserve it!!! And you gotta do lots of just plain, ol' relaxin' cuz I am planning on living vicariously thru you!

Hey Jude!!! Miss the sunflower, but do love the new peace sign...

What a we gonna do tomorrow??

September 05, 2006 9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Sure miss you guys!! Hope you have a good vacation and a good day with Jude!
Lots of Love

September 06, 2006 11:56 AM  

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